Sunday, January 20, 2013

First Lady's Financial Tip 1-20-2013

In an effort to provide its members with financial information that will better aid their families, First Lady asked the congregation to give her specific topics to speak on during the Sunday Morning Worship Service's Financial Tip Segment. The first question she addressed for the year was "How do I begin to save for my childrens' futures in spite of the economic situation we face?"
1. The first step is to determine specifically what it is you want to accomplish.
2. Write your financial goal down where you can actually see it.
3. Prepare a budget for your household and stick with it.
4. Be willing to sacrifice the things you may want now for the future you want later.
5. Save, save, save. You may not have $100 or $50 or $25 to put away each week but you do have $5, you do have $10. Where? Look at your expenditures for the last month or two months. Do you eat out several times a week? If so cut back to once a week and take the money you would have spent on fast food and save it!
Many believe the myth that small amounts won't help them reach their goals. The truth is small amounts saved grow over time. We must be consistent and we must be purposeful when attempting to reach our goals.

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