Monday, July 8, 2013

Morning Prayer - Intercessor Wanda Noble

Morning Prayer for 07-08-2013
~Intercessor Wanda Noble~
This is another beautiful day that the Lord has given us so let us lift up our eyes to the hills from whence comes our help.Our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. I thank our God for His mercy that didn't consume us. We got up in our right minds able to cloth and feed our self and move about and for those who can't God we thank you for family and friends and care takers for their service! But most of all we pray they will be healed in the name of '' JESUS ''...For those who didn't get up or got up and you called them home your word said weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning and what ever your morning is joy will come and the peace of God be with them... We thank you God for your saving '' GRACE '' that is available to all. And for those who still reject you for what ever reason we pray that your blood will be covering and ask the father to forgive them for they know not what they do... We thank you for what you have already done but we are excited and celebrating what you are yet to do... not by might or by power but by your '' SPIRIT '' Let it rise up in us to be the people you have called us to be.....!!!!! I love you Lord... And this is my prayer for your people today...!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Morning Prayer - Intercessor Wanda Noble -

David said it was early in the morning that I sought You with a mind that has been renewed. A mind stayed on the goodness of our God who created all. We, who can do nothing without Him, thank Him and pray that GOD uses us today to touch some one’s life. There is so much sorrow and pain but ''GOD ''.. You are a '' GOD '' that moves in all circumstances. Father in the name of Jesus, be that name that is above all names when the enemy comes to attack our minds and our bodies! Keep us strong in our faith to know that enemy is the father of all lies and the battle is not ours, “It’s Yours” and we have the victory!!! I thank and praise you LORD because You are able....A MEN

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reflections On "Next Level Community Day"

June 29, 2013 marked a special occasion for Freedom for Living Ministries. It was our first annual "Next Level Community Day" in Yanceyville, N.C. It was an opportunity to not only reintroduce Freedom to the surrounding community but it was also an opportunity to show the love of God to people who are struggling with life. There are people who love God but quite honestly have lost hope that He still cares. Some have lost homes, many have lost jobs and others are facing crises in their health, in their ministries and in their family lives. People need to know that somebody, somewhere does care about their pain. They need to know that somebody somewhere is operating by the leadership of the Holy Spirit. They need to know that God loves them.

"Next Level Community Day" was birthed by Sister Rhonda Neal and brought together by the members and friends of Freedom for Living Ministries. This is a ministry that thrives on Godly excellence. We don't do things halfway and we don't compromise on quality. We are God's representatives in the earth and God is too great for us to be mediocre.

As the summer sun took its place high in the sky and the first visitors arrived there was a "knowing" in the Spirit, that God was fully in control. All that He desired this day to be came to pass. His desire was to reach His people. We were not there to simply give away food and clothing for free. We were there to provide a Godly atmosphere and a place of hope for those who so sorely needed it. We were and are here to provide a place of Godly counsel; to declare what the Lord has done for our souls; to give Him a high praise and to declare His steadfast love for everyone.

Real ministry comes with hard work, tired hands, throbbing feet and sweat! The kingdom suffers violence but the violent take it by force! God is still alive and well. The world is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God! It's time to declare out loud "Here we are!"

Freedom's Ad in the Caswell Messenger for "Next Level Community Day"